Biomedical Waste
Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County, Environmental Public Health
- 727-538-7277
Biomedical Waste Disposal Program

It is the responsibility of Environmental Health Staff to protect health care workers, environmental-service staff, waste haulers and the citizens and guests of Pinellas County from the risks associated with potentially infectious biomedical waste.
The Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County through Chapter 64E-16, Florida Administrative Code, has the primary licensing and regulatory authority / responsibility for facilities that generate, transport, store or treat biomedical waste through processes other than incineration.
Routine inspections are conducted to assure proper identification, segregation, containment, storage and labeling of biomedical waste. Inspectors verify that all personnel whose responsibilities include some aspect of managing biomedical waste have had the required training.
Services Provided
- Licensing
- Regulation / Inspection
- Complaint Investigations
- Employee Trainings
- Technical Assistance for New and Existing Establishments
- Facilitate County-Wide Needle Disposal Program
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