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Breastfeeding Online Resource List

Contact Us

Pinellas WIC

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Pinellas WIC Breastfeeding Line

727-824-6997- 7 days a week until 9 p.m.

Please call if you need breastfeeding help, have pain with breastfeeding or
 pumping, need a breast pump, or if you have breastfeeding questions.


Your Guide to Breastfeeding:

Breastfeeding Your Baby:

Breastfeeding When You Are Going Back To Work Or School:


Do You Ever Wonder What Is In Breastmilk vs. Formula?

Milk Storage Guidelines:


WIC Breastfeeding Information and Videos:

Medications While Breastfeeding and Parenting:

LA Leche League:
 Multilanguage resources, online support groups, and virtual meetings

Rose (Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere) - Virtual Baby Cafes

Pumping at Work Federal Law:

Custody and Breastfeeding:

Breastmilk Storage: