Car Seat Program
Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County, Available 24 hrs/day
Did you know?
4 out of every 5 car seats are used wrong?

In Florida, crashes involving motor vehicles are the #1 killer of children ages 1-14. Recent studies indicate that in many cases injuries and deaths were a result of improper use of car seats, booster seats and seat belts.
There are Child Passenger Safety Classes that are dedicated to providing technical guidance and education to residents and visitors of Pinellas County regarding the safest practice for transporting children in all types of motor vehicles.
The training details common misuse and proper installation and is conducted by a National Child Passenger Safety Technician certified by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration. The training is offered throughout the Tampa Bay area through All Children's Hospital.
The classes are available to anyone seeking information on proper safety seat usage. Additionally, low-cost safety seats are available to those meeting financial guidelines.
All appointments MUST be scheduled online.
For more information or to schedule a class, visit
Child Passenger Safety Classes
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