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HIV/AIDS Reporting

FL Dept of Health in Pinellas - Main Contact Information - Phone Available 24 hrs/day

How to Report HIV/AIDS Cases and HIV Perinatal Exposed Babies

If you are a Pinellas or Pasco County health care provider or laboratory director that tests, diagnoses and/or treats HIV/AIDS patients, please be aware that the Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 64D-3 states that certain demographic and HIV/AIDS defining clinical information and tests must be reported to your local county health department's HIV/AIDS Surveillance Office. You are required by Florida State Law, as of the latest Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 64D-3 version in 2008, to report patients who are diagnosed with any of the following conditions:

  • Any HIV Western Blot positive, HIV qualitative PCR positive, or diagnostic HIV positive (e.g. viral load or NAAT) tests done on or after July 1, 1997 (for laboratories and providers).
  • Any CD4 tests with values < absolute 200 or < 14% on any HIV positive patients (for providers).
  • Any of the 26 CDC AIDS defining opportunistic infections (for providers).
  • Any HIV exposed newborns (i.e. infants 18 months of age or less) born to an HIV infected woman on the next business day (for providers).
  • Any HIV detectable viral load tests on or after November 20, 2006 if an HIV/AIDS surveillance staff member calls your office for more information (for providers).
  • All detectable and undetectable HIV quantitative viral load tests done on or after November 20, 2006(for laboratories).
  • All HIV positive patients with a history of HIV and on verified HIV antiretroviral therapy.
  • All CD4 tests, with or without confirmed HIV infection (for laboratories).

 HIV/AIDS - we make the change
If you are a health care provider and need to report a positive HIV or AIDS case please refer to the "Health Care Provider Reporting Guidelines" (pdf 111kb) form and, if not reporting on the phone, print out and complete one of the following forms and follow the mailing directions listed at the bottom of this webpage.

  1. HIV/AIDS Adult Case Report Form - ages > or = 13 years old
  2. HIV/AIDS Pediatric Case Report Form - ages < 13 years old
  3. HIV/AIDS Perinatal HIV Exposure Reporting (PHER) Form – newborn < 18 months

If you are reporting an HIV exposed newborn < 18 months then both the HIV/AIDS pediatric case report form (2) and the HIV/AIDS perinatal HIV exposure reporting (PHER) form (3) must be submitted to the health department and/or the HIV Surveillance office needs to receive access to electronic medical records to review and complete both of these case reports on the hospital and/or health care provider’s behalf.

Please refer to the Testing and Treatment form for antiretroviral codes that should be used on the official Florida HIV/AIDS adult case report form.

If you are a laboratory director and need to report a positive HIV test result (e.g. Western Blot, HIV viral load test, etc.) or CD4 test result please refer to the "Laboratory Reporting Guidelines" (pdf 107kb) form below and submit the required information on an official laboratory form and follow the mailing directions listed at the bottom of this webpage.

Please Note:

  • HIV/AIDS reporting information is treated with the strictest confidentiality.
  • Do NOT fax any information pertaining to reporting HIV/AIDS cases

Guidelines that can be posted in your office on “Reporting HIV and/or AIDS Cases/Tests” 

Shortened version of Florida Administrative Code 64D-3 (as of 11/24/08) pertaining to HIV & AIDS 

Florida Administrative Code 64D-3 (HIV & AIDS)

If you are a physician or health care provider, in Pinellas County or Pasco County, and your patient has recently tested HIV Western Blot positive, or has been diagnosed HIV positive by another test, please make your patient aware that a Disease Intervention Specialist from either the Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County or Pasco County will possibly be contacting them, in the near future, about the following services available:

  • HIV Post-test counseling (if needed)
  • Referrals to HIV health education/financial resources in the community
  • Referrals to community resources available for pregnant women
  • Partner elicitation/notification (done "anonymously" by the Florida Department of Health staff)

If there is a particular client whom you would not want to be contacted by the local health department then please notify the HIV/AIDS Surveillance office as soon as possible at 727-824-6903

How to send the forms to the Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County 

If you prefer you may directly contact our HIV/AIDS Surveillance office at 727-824-6903 to report an HIV or AIDS case over the phone. Otherwise, please print an appropriate case report form from above, answer all of the questions and place the HIV/AIDS case report form/s in an envelope marked "Confidential" with the name "Surveillance 3-138" and "Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County" on it. Place that envelope inside another envelope with the following address on it and send it to:

Beth Sudduth, MPH
Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County
205 Dr. M. L. King Street North
Surveillance, Room #3-138
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

Related Links 

The following are very useful web sites dedicated to providing current and accurate HIV/AIDS information:

    Provides comprehensive HIV/AIDS information on statistics, transmission, treatment, patient care, prevention, research, disease facts, counseling and testing, funding and national conferences.
    A resource for educational materials including fact sheets, FAQs, brochures, videos, books, reports, posters and various other prevention items.