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Rabies Information
Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County, Epidemiology
Over 2500 animal bite incidents involving possible human exposure to rabies are investigated each year. Through close work with Pinellas County Animal Services, animals must be located and quarantined. Appropriate animal specimens are examined by a state laboratory for rabies. Victims and the public are alerted to positive cases of rabies. The department is also involved in the periodic dissemination of rabies wildlife vaccine bait blocks.
Rabies Protocol for Providers
- Important Changes to Rabies Post Exposure Protocol, 2011 (PDF, 34KB)
- Rabies Post-Exposure Guidance (PDF, 196KB)
- How to Obtain Rabies Immune Globulin and Rabies Vaccine (PDF, 13KB)
- Dosage Information for Rabies Immune Globulin (PDF, 7KB)
- Rabies Vaccine Information Statement (PDF, 67KB)
- Florida Reportable Disease List (PDF, 280KB)
Helpful Rabies Links

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