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School-Based Dental Sealants

FL Dept of Health in Pinellas - Dental Services


Dental sealants are the most effective way of preventing caries in permanent molars, where more than 80% of decay occurs in the permanent teeth of children. The deep grooves and fissures of the molars allow decay to occur deep within the tooth structure where fluoride is less effective. Thin plastic coatings that are applied to the tooth surface stop this decay from happening.


Currently, 42 Florida Department of Health County Health Departments provide School-Based Sealant Program services. The Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County is in its 9th year providing these services! Since 2014, over 100,000 sealants have been provided to Pinellas children in Title 1 elementary schools

Dental sealants are cost effective. Every $1 invested in dental sealants applied by County Health Department dental programs yields $1.88 in dental treatment savings. The Public Health Dental Program promotes the early placement of sealants on permanent first and second molars to effectively prevent tooth decay. Additional information regarding School-Based Sealant Programs is available below and by contacting the Public Health Dental Program at

Dental Sealant Return on Investment Infographic