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By DOH-Pinellas

May 27, 2022

It can be tough to be a good father if you didn't have good role models to show you how. Some men with absent or abusive fathers may not have had other male figures in their lives to fill the gap or they may find it hard to cope with their Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

That's where the Gold Medal Dads father support program comes in. Reggie Randolph from Health Families' Father Services provides men with children ages birth to 17 years of age with the tools to become supportive fathers.

The voluntary program stresses how important it is to remain involved in their children's lives. Children who grow up in homes without a father or father figure are more likely to be abused or neglected. They are also more likely to have less success in school and in life.

Gold Medal Dads offers services to meet men's work schedules and it includes education, visits, case management, goal setting and referrals to community services.

"Being a dad can be a tough job," said Reggie. "You don't have to do it alone." Men interested in the program can contact him directly at (727) 275-6244.

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